The amazing Worstead Festival sponsors
The Worstead Festival is a wonderful and varied weekend in the countryside. Our main aim is for everyone who visits to enjoy themselves and have a fun few days.
The festival keeps the ticket price low and the stall bookers do a fantastic job selecting varied and interesting people to attend with amazing crafts, wonderful attractions and original vendors.
As a charity, what the organisers do - behind the scenes - is make a very significant amount to donate to local charities. We couldn’t do this without the stalls, without attractions giving discounts, and the amazing generosity of our sponsors.
We’ll be doing some shout-outs to those during the run-up to the festival and link to them here:
Message us, if you want to get involved in the counties ‘greatest day out for all the family’
The Dashing Chimney Sweep
Chimney Sweep
Facebook: The Dashing Chimney Sweep
Instagram: The_dashing_chimney_sweep
07747 021862
Agricultural service
Facebook: RaingearIrrigationLtd
Instagram: raingear_irrigation_ltd
01692 535455